Stop Leaving Cash on The Table: The Power of your CTA

Let’s dive straight into a crucial topic for businesses of all shapes and sizes: the importance of including a call to action (CTA) in everything you publish.

Think about it: you pour your heart and soul into creating content that’s engaging, informative, and on-brand. But what good is it if it doesn’t drive action from your audience?

It’s like getting dressed and dolled up for a blind date, walking into a bar and just standing there – never asking for a drink.

Your CTA is you asking for something from the reader.

That’s where the power of a CTA comes in.

A CTA is a clear and concise command that tells your audience what you want them to do next. It’s a simple yet effective way to steer your visitors in the direction you want them to go.

  • Email sign ups
  • Downloads
  • Booking a call
  • Adding something to a shopping basket

Your CTA gives your audience the nudge they need to take that next step.

But here’s the thing: not all CTAs are created equal. To really make an impact, you need to craft a CTA that’s both compelling and relevant.

Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Keep it simple and straightforward. Your CTA should be easy to understand and do. Avoid overcomplicating it and give the reader ONE thing to do.
  • Make it actionable. Use strong verbs that inspire action, like “Download now” or “Sign up today.”
  • Make it relevant. Your CTA should be directly related to the content it’s attached to. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about a new product, your CTA could be “Learn more about [product name].”
  • Make it visible. Your CTA should be placed prominently on the page so that it’s easily seen and acted on. Don’t make this HARD.
  • Test and optimise. Don’t be afraid to try different CTAs and see what resonates with your audience. Use A/B testing to determine which CTAs drive the best results and adjust as needed.

A CTA is a crucial component of any content you publish. Essentially, you’ll be leaving CASH on the table if you don’t do this.

So, what are you waiting for? Start adding those CTAs to your content, and watch your results soar!

6 Ways to Show Your Direct Mail Some Love

Tired of sending out direct mail campaigns that just aren’t getting results? Or perhaps you’re about to start a new campaign and want to ensure you get the most bang for your buck?

Well, it’s time to shake things up and give your direct mail strategy a boost! Take two minutes to tick these off your list:

First and foremost, make sure you’re targeting the right audience. This might sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many businesses send out direct mail to those who will never want to buy from you. Take the time to research your target audience and create a list of contacts that could…potentially…buy from you.

Next, focus on the way it looks. Your mailer should be visually appealing and grab the attention of the recipient. Use high-quality images and graphics, and make sure the design is consistent with your branding. Also, consider using a unique shape or size for your mailer to make it stand out from the rest of the mail on their doormat.

Another tip is to personalise your direct mail campaigns. This can go a long way in making your recipients feel valued and special. Include their name on the mailer, address them in the greeting or even tailor the message to their previous interactions with your business, e.g. ‘we connected on LinkedIn, so I thought I’d reach out’.

Ensure you include a clear call to action in your direct mail piece. This could be something as simple as “Visit our website for more information” or “Give us a call by XYZ date to unlock our exclusive discount.” Make it DEAD easy for your readers to take the next step.

Another great way to improve your direct mail strategy is by using a multi-channel approach. This means that you’re not just relying on direct mail to reach your audience. Instead, you’re using a combination of direct mail, email, social media, and other channels to reach your target audience.

I will be surprised if a multi-channel approach like this fails to create any sort of impact, again if you are reaching the right audience, that is.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to test and experiment with your direct mail campaigns. Try different designs, messages, and offers to see what works best. And don’t forget to track your results so you can see which campaigns are performing the best and make adjustments accordingly.

Direct mail can be a powerful marketing tool for small businesses, but it’s important to ensure you’re doing it right. By following these tips, you can give your direct mail strategy a boost and see better results.

If you’re looking for some help, whether to write your copy or to throw a glancing eye over what you’ve produced, drop me an email, and I’ll do my best to help you squeeze as much sales potential from your next mailout: [email protected]

Three Sales Lessons from The Wolf of Wall Street

If you haven’t seen “The Wolf of Wall Street,” drop everything and watch it right now, it’s this copywriter’s favourite film of all time (just make sure your boss or any children aren’t around first).

Not only is it an incredible film, but it’s also a masterclass in sales. Jordan Belfort, the real-life Wolf of Wall Street, may have been a criminal, but the guy knew how to sell. Here are three lessons you can learn from the film to boost your own sales game:

Be passionate about what you’re selling.
Belfort was convinced that the penny stocks he was pushing would make his clients rich (well, he wasn’t. He knew it was a scam, but bare with me), and he believed it so strongly that he could convince others to believe it too. When you’re passionate about what you’re selling, it’s contagious, and people are more likely to buy in. If you’re not excited about what you’re selling, why should anyone else be?

Use storytelling to make your product relatable.
Belfort was a master at using storytelling to make his clients feel like they were missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He’d tell them stories of people who had made millions with his penny stocks, and he’d paint a picture of what their lives could be like if they invested – the dream we all hear about.

Be confident and persistent.
Belfort was always confident, even when things weren’t going well. He knew that if he could just get in front of enough people, he’d be able to make some sales. He was also persistent and never took no for an answer. He’d call and call and call until someone said yes. Confidence and persistence are key in sales, and Belfort had both.

The lessons he teaches in the film are invaluable for anyone looking to boost their sales game – of course, remember to take it all with a pinch of salt and a tongue in your cheek. Remember, be passionate about what you’re selling, use storytelling to make it relatable, and always be confident and persistent.

Five Overlooked Landing Page Hacks

Are you tired of seeing low conversion rates on your landing pages? You’re not alone. It’s a common problem for businesses of all sizes. But don’t worry; there are plenty of simple hacks you can implement to improve those numbers.

Here are five overlooked landing page hacks that every business can use to boost conversions:

  1. Use social proof.
    Social proof is a powerful tool that can be used to build trust and credibility with your audience. By including customer testimonials, case studies, or reviews on your landing page, you can show potential customers that others have succeeded with your product or service.
  2. Make your call-to-action (CTA) stand out.
    Your CTA is the most important element on your landing page. It’s the button or link that encourages visitors to take the next step and convert. Make sure your CTA actually stands out by using contrasting colours, making it larger than other elements on the page, or using a strong action verb.
  3. Use a clear and simple headline.
    Your headline is the first thing visitors will see when they land on your page. Make sure it’s clear and simple and that it communicates the main benefit of your product or service. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience might not understand.
  4. Add a sense of urgency.
    Adding a sense of urgency to your landing page can encourage visitors to convert now rather than later. You can do this by adding a countdown timer, offering a limited-time discount, or highlighting that your product or service is in high demand.
  5. Optimise for mobile.
    It’s important to make sure your landing page is optimised for mobile. This means using a responsive design that automatically adjusts to the size of the screen and making sure all elements of the page are easily clickable with a finger. There’s nothing that will turn your visitors more than making them work by zooming and pinching in and out.

There you have it, five landing page hacks that can help boost your conversion rates. Give them a try and see how they work for your business. And remember, testing is key. Try different variations of these hacks and see which one works best for your business.

How AI is Changing the Way We Write Copy – A TEST

>> I’m constantly being inundated with ads about AI copy tools that promise to produce easy content in just a few clicks. So, I tried one.

This very blog post…after this line… was written by one of these copywriting AI tools and, while it certainly isn’t perfect, it’s a pretty damn good start and makes it easy for anyone new to online marketing, who needs to produce content (albeit not 100% the best), at scale and for not a lot of money.

I’ll leave the post here untouched. What do you think?


When you think of AI and writing, the first word that probably pops into your mind is probably not “good”. However, this is only because most people see AI as a replacement for humans, which is why most people think of it as a bad thing. AI is actually helping marketers write better copy. It’s speeding up the process and making it more accurate. It’s also making it easier for marketers to find the right words – rather than having to look them up separately. Let’s explore exactly how AI is changing the way we write copy and how it can help marketers write better content.

What is AI?

AI is the ability for technology to “think” for itself. This ability is called artificial intelligence, and it’s a hot topic in marketing. AI is used to help marketers write better copy by speeding up the process. This can be used for things like writing emails, creating content, and automating tasks. AI is also used to help with the accuracy of content. This can help with things like terms and definitions, which is important for legal reasons.

How AI is Changing the Way We Write Copy

AI is changing how we write content because it’s helping to automate the process and speed it up. This means you can write more and spend less time on it. It also means you’ll have more time for other aspects of your business. AI can also help with the accuracy of content. This means you’ll have a better understanding of your audience.

AI Helps with Speed

AI is used to speed up the writing process in a number of ways. One way we’ve seen AI used to increase speed is with voice recognition software. This means you can write faster by speaking your text instead of typing it out. It’s especially helpful for marketing emails since you don’t want to waste time typing out your message.

AI can also be used to help with research. This can be used to look up terms and definitions or to find information related to your product or service. It can also be used to find similar products or people who might have similar experiences. This helps with the accuracy of your content, which can help with your writing.

The Bottom Line

AI is changing how we write copy because it’s speeding up the process and making it more accurate. It’s also making it easier for marketers to find the right words – rather than having to look them up separately. AI can also be used to help with the accuracy of content. This means you’ll have a better understanding of your audience. It can also be used to look up terms and definitions or to find information related to your product or service. It can also be used to find similar products or people who might have similar experiences.

AI is changing how we write content because it helps with the accuracy of content. This means you’ll have a better understanding of your audience. It can also be used to look up terms and definitions or to find information related to your product or service. It can also be used to find similar products or people who might have similar experiences. AI is also changing how we write copy because it’s speeding up the process and making it more accurate. It’s also making it easier for marketers to find the right words – rather than having to look them up separately.

How to Increase Your Response rates

This was a really quick video that I thought I'd put together. It's about your offer, not necessarily ‘an offer’ buy 1 get 1 free, but more of what you're offering when it comes to your marketing.

You often see companies sending out email newsletters for example,and you'll have multiple call to actions.

Often the company owner thinks - right, I've got a few moments of my prospects time, let's squeeze in as much as we can.

So we're going to include links to a product, links to our latest blog postsand maybe a call to action - contact us if you need any help.

Three things from one email, yet these are often the people who find themselves getting really really low response rates, because they're asking too much of someone.

If someone came to your door and said Liam, I need a favour and they said three things, asked you to do three things - the chances of you're doing them are quite slim.

One thing though, oh, can you help me grab this from the car? Can you help me hold this - you're far more likely to do, so when it comes to your offer and what you're saying in your marketing, don't overcrowd it, give one, singular action, tell them what you want to do, how to do it and repeat it to throughout your copy.

So if it's booking a free trial, have that at the very top of your landing page or your email, have it in the middle copy and at the end - have it repeated.

Alongside your offer try and have some kind of time based incentive - a reason to act now versus laterbecause like me, if someone sends you something and ‘it's get back to me when you can’ chances are you get back to them never? If it's get back to me NOW, and you're going to get 50% off if you act before the weekend, you're going to get someone to respond.

And lastly, can you give any other additional bonus? A give away, something extra, some added value to get them to act now?

A lot of people see these things as salesy, almost scammy tactics because you do see them populated across really spammy type websites, these get-rich-quick, buy now and you have the popups come up on your screen ‘Dave from Daventry recently bought this product’.

These are all shit. They don't work. They're not real.

If you genuinely have a time-sensitive limited offer, tell people and tell people why they should be buying it.

That alongside the single call to action asking people to do one thing.

Will hopefully see your response rates increase - and there we go.

If you can help your marketing if you need help with your copywriting get in touch.

Four Marketing Lessons from Only Fools and Horses

It’s 22.41 as I write this. 

The house is as quiet as a mouse. 

Everyone’s asleep, and I’m downstairs, working on my laptop with old episodes of Only Fools and Horses on the box for company. 

Although most of them were filmed before I was born, Only Fools and Horses, or OFAH as us weirdo fans call it, remains my all-time, absolute favourite show. 

While it’s funny, there are a few things we as business owners and marketers could take from OFAH and the legendary Delboy. 

  1. Write as you speak. OFAH uses real words, that real people, in the real world use. You should be doing this in your marketing copy, writing so your audience sees themselves in you and can imagine themselves using your product, by writing as you speak, in both tone and language.  
  2. Jargon and phrases. Delboy’s famous for his crap French phrases. They’re always wrong and never have the desired impact. Again, avoid jargon and acronyms. Not everyone will get them, and your copy could end up falling as flat as Del’s French – bonnet de douche! 
  3. While Del’s a salesman, he also gets straight the point as quickly as he can. He doesn’t beat around the bush when he’s trying to flog something. It’s the same for your marketing, don’t waste peoples time, get straight to the point, as quickly as you can, using just enough copy to get the message across. 
  4. They’re triers, ‘this time next year, we’ll be millionaires’. When one enterprise fails, they pick themselves back up, dust themselves off and move on to the next one. For us, marketing is all about trying new things until it works. Sometimes it pays off, and sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s our job to try out new marketing methods while measuring and testing the results until we find the one that does. 

Want to try something new in your marketing? 

Ever worked with a copywriter? 

It’s my job to help you squeeze more sales potential from your marketing. 

Whether it’s on your website, sales pages, emails or offline stuff – if you’re using words to promote what you do, there’s a big chance it can be improved upon with the help of a copywriter. 

Drop me an email [email protected] to see if there’s a way I could help you out. 

Copywriter in Eastbourne

Copywriter in Eastbourne

Need help from a copywriter in Eastbourne?

Awesome, let’s see if we could work together.

You’re probably looking for a local copywriter because you’re either:

1 – Unable to find the time to produce your content and marketing, so want to outsource the job to a copywriter in Eastbourne.

2 – Or, you’re fed up of poorly performing marketing, and want to finally see a positive ROI on your marketing efforts.

In both cases, I can help.

If words aren’t your strong point, and you find yourself struggling to put pen to paper when it comes to writing about what you do, how you do it and why your prospects should buy from you – working with a copywriter in Eastbourne could be the solution.

Whether it’s leaflets, direct mail, blog posts, website content or emails, it’s the job of a sales copywriter to write marketing copy that converts your readers, into customers.

Eastbourne Copywriter

My name’s Liam Atkins, I’m a copywriter in Eastbourne, and I write things to help you sell more stuff.

I’ve been involved in marketing and sales for nearly a decade now, doing everything from website design, to running businesses, and even cold calling for online ads. Which means the copy I help Eastbourne businesses write is based on more than just book smarts, it’s based on years of tried, tested and honed marketing experience.

copywriting in east sussex reviews
Check out my reviews from other businesses.

Over the last year, my copy results for clients include:

🏆 Beating a control with new direct mail copy that increased sales by 46%.
🏆 Reworking a landing page which increased ticket sales by 64%.
🏆 Designing and writing for a brand new website, ranking them on page 1 of Google in 13 days.

My copywriting services include:

✅ Cold sales emails.
✅ Email newsletters/marketing campaigns.
✅ Direct mail campaigns.
✅ Website content
✅ Onsite SEO & copywriting
✅ Social media content

Free Copywriting Critique & Review

For local businesses across Eastbourne, why not take me up on my free copywriting critique?

Let me pour over some of your marketing material, whether it’s your website, sales pages or direct mail pieces, and I’ll send you a FREE video walkthrough highlighting its strengths and weaknesses – alongside a tonne of suggestions for things you can put in place straight away to make a difference.

There’s nothing to lose, but possibly a heap of new clients to gain.

So why not give this free offer a try?

Liam Atkins Copywriting in Eastbourne.

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copywriter in East Sussex

Copywriter in East Sussex

Looking for a copywriter in East Sussex?

Well, you’re in luck, you’ve just found one.

I guess you’re looking for copywriting help because you’re either:

1 – Taking on too much and want to outsource your content, marketing and sales jobs to a local copywriter in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

2 – Or, you’re looking for ways to squeeze more sales potential from your current or upcoming marketing plans.

Either way, you’re in the right place.

If you’re struggling to get the time, energy or headspace to pick the words that sell what you do, or find you’re not getting the results you want from your marketing efforts – working with a copywriter could be the solution.

Whether it’s leaflets, direct mail, blog posts, website content or emails, a good copywriter can turn dull, stale ad copy, into the sales-generating text that your business needs.

My name’s Liam Atkins, I’m a copywriter in East Sussex, and I write things to help you sell more stuff.

I’ve been helping businesses market themselves for over ten years, and I’ve sold everything from cryptocurrency websites to online advertising space with cold calls, which means the copy I help local businesses produce is based on tried and tested sales copy practices that I know work.

copywriting in east sussex reviews
Check out my reviews from other businesses.

Some quick client results over the last 12 months include:

🏆 Beating a control with new direct mail copy that increased sales by 46%.
🏆 Reworking a landing page which increased ticket sales by 64%.
🏆 Designing and writing for a brand new website, ranking them on page 1 of Google in 13 days.

So, what can I help you with?

✅ Cold sales emails.
✅ Email newsletters/marketing campaigns.
✅ Direct mail campaigns.
✅ Website content
✅ Onsite SEO & copywriting
✅ Social media content

Not sure? Reduce the risk with my free offer.

I’m offering a free copywriting critique for businesses across Eastbourne.

Let me pour over some of your marketing material, whether it’s your website, sales pages or direct mail pieces, and I’ll send you a FREE video walkthrough highlighting its strengths and weaknesses – alongside a tonne of suggestions for things you can put in place straight away to make a difference.

You’ve got nothing to lose, but potentially a truckload of new customers to gain.

So why not give this free offer a try?

Copywriting in East Sussex made easy, with Liam Atkins Copywriting.

[button title=”Grab Your Free Copy Critique” url=”” color=”danger” size=”btn-lg” icon=”” icon_align=”left” rotate=” ” target=”_self”/]

marketing in east sussex

Questions About Your Prospects

Your prospects.

Three quick questions you need to answer before you try to market to them:

1. Do the have the £££ to buy from you, and do they control the purse strings?

2. Have they expressed *any* interest yet (even if it’s just through social signals)?

3. Are they easily contactable?

Get these answers down before you start designing fancy graphics for your social media, before you buy anything, and before you invest too much time in anything else.