Three Sales Lessons from The Wolf of Wall Street

If you haven’t seen “The Wolf of Wall Street,” drop everything and watch it right now, it’s this copywriter’s favourite film of all time (just make sure your boss or any children aren’t around first).

Not only is it an incredible film, but it’s also a masterclass in sales. Jordan Belfort, the real-life Wolf of Wall Street, may have been a criminal, but the guy knew how to sell. Here are three lessons you can learn from the film to boost your own sales game:

Be passionate about what you’re selling.
Belfort was convinced that the penny stocks he was pushing would make his clients rich (well, he wasn’t. He knew it was a scam, but bare with me), and he believed it so strongly that he could convince others to believe it too. When you’re passionate about what you’re selling, it’s contagious, and people are more likely to buy in. If you’re not excited about what you’re selling, why should anyone else be?

Use storytelling to make your product relatable.
Belfort was a master at using storytelling to make his clients feel like they were missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He’d tell them stories of people who had made millions with his penny stocks, and he’d paint a picture of what their lives could be like if they invested – the dream we all hear about.

Be confident and persistent.
Belfort was always confident, even when things weren’t going well. He knew that if he could just get in front of enough people, he’d be able to make some sales. He was also persistent and never took no for an answer. He’d call and call and call until someone said yes. Confidence and persistence are key in sales, and Belfort had both.

The lessons he teaches in the film are invaluable for anyone looking to boost their sales game – of course, remember to take it all with a pinch of salt and a tongue in your cheek. Remember, be passionate about what you’re selling, use storytelling to make it relatable, and always be confident and persistent.

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