How to Increase Your Response rates

This was a really quick video that I thought I'd put together. It's about your offer, not necessarily ‘an offer’ buy 1 get 1 free, but more of what you're offering when it comes to your marketing.

You often see companies sending out email newsletters for example,and you'll have multiple call to actions.

Often the company owner thinks - right, I've got a few moments of my prospects time, let's squeeze in as much as we can.

So we're going to include links to a product, links to our latest blog postsand maybe a call to action - contact us if you need any help.

Three things from one email, yet these are often the people who find themselves getting really really low response rates, because they're asking too much of someone.

If someone came to your door and said Liam, I need a favour and they said three things, asked you to do three things - the chances of you're doing them are quite slim.

One thing though, oh, can you help me grab this from the car? Can you help me hold this - you're far more likely to do, so when it comes to your offer and what you're saying in your marketing, don't overcrowd it, give one, singular action, tell them what you want to do, how to do it and repeat it to throughout your copy.

So if it's booking a free trial, have that at the very top of your landing page or your email, have it in the middle copy and at the end - have it repeated.

Alongside your offer try and have some kind of time based incentive - a reason to act now versus laterbecause like me, if someone sends you something and ‘it's get back to me when you can’ chances are you get back to them never? If it's get back to me NOW, and you're going to get 50% off if you act before the weekend, you're going to get someone to respond.

And lastly, can you give any other additional bonus? A give away, something extra, some added value to get them to act now?

A lot of people see these things as salesy, almost scammy tactics because you do see them populated across really spammy type websites, these get-rich-quick, buy now and you have the popups come up on your screen ‘Dave from Daventry recently bought this product’.

These are all shit. They don't work. They're not real.

If you genuinely have a time-sensitive limited offer, tell people and tell people why they should be buying it.

That alongside the single call to action asking people to do one thing.

Will hopefully see your response rates increase - and there we go.

If you can help your marketing if you need help with your copywriting get in touch.

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