$4 Billion Reasons to Keep Advertising

Boom! Wednesday afternoon, hump-day and all that and straight back into another useful business quote on sales, marketing and advertising.

This week I’ve been focussing on creating content for this website.

Who else is really good at producing lustfully long lists of ‘stuff’ and to-do’s?

Well, I’ve got a big old Excel document with about 150+ rows of content ideas to throw up on my Copywriting Blog and various social media channels over the next couple of months.

It’s exciting, and a hell of alot of work – but it should definitely pay off in the long run.

Which, ta-da! Brings me nicely to my next quote.

“The man who stops advertising to save money is the man who stops the clock to save time.”

The source on this one is unknown, but it’s been around for a while and it’s painfully true.

Businesses that pause their marketing, sales and advertising output because they’re running out of money, or just stop to save money are destined to soon be out of business.

Of course there are exceptional circumstances on this, but, the key to any businesses success is continually driving forward, pushing on with more sales, more brand awareness and ultimately – more marketing.

Heck, Coca-Cola, spent almost $4 BILLION on their advertising last year. And everyone knows what coke is, what it tastes like and where to buy it.

They know the need to keep pushing to maintain market share and dominance.

So, conversely, if you stop spending on your own advertising, your business could dry up.

I’m now personally prospecting (crap word right?!) for my own copywriting business, I’m coming up against some business owners who don’t want to invest in their marketing at the moment.

They’re having their ‘stop the clock’ moment.

Which, on the face of it is fine, it’s their business after all, but – it could also be their funeral if they don’t (at some point) start investing and taking their marketing seriously.

There’s always someone else, your competition who are hungrier and more up for the fight, ready to steal your customers away.

They’re ready to pounce on your inaction.

This is what I’ve helped some of my own clients do in the past. And it’s why internet marketing is the great ‘leveler’ of our time. Leveling the playing field between bigger and smaller businesses.

Those smaller businesses can’t outspend, but they can outmanoeuvre their big competition, and since they’re smaller and will often have their ear to the ground more, they can put their limited ad spend where it really matters.

The moral of this one?

Keep spending money on advertising. But, to save money, spend it wisely.

Ensure you measure and test everything you do.

And once you know which marketing channels and methods work best for you, throw as much as you can afford at them until they stop producing sales. And then move onto the next technique.

Need help with your businesses advertising and marketing?

Marketing Consultant in Sussex

I’ve helped other businesses set a marketing strategy, implement it, and reap the rewards.

If you think I can help you, head over to my contact page, fill out the form and I’ll be in touch asap.

Mini Post: 1-2-1 Sales & Copywriting Similarities

Over on my shiny new Facebook page you can find a really quick mini-post about the similarities between 1-2-1 sales and good copywriting techniques.

The original Entrepreneur.com article covers 7 proven closing techniques from some of the most well known sales experts in the industry.

And funnily enough…many of them are what copywriters have been doing for years.

Which further proves the point, copywriting for businesses is an arm of your sales arsenal.

And should not be overlooked.

Find the post over on Facebook here:

Proven Closing Techniques (in sales and copywriting)

Manipulate Your Way to a Sale: Sales Copywriting

Next up, a quote from my absolute favourite copywriter and marketer.

Dan Kennedy.

Dan Kennedy’s ‘The Ultimate Sales Letter’ was the very first copywriting book I ever read.

The contents of which helped me put together a modestly successful one page sales letter for my previous internet marketing agency.

I was surprised by the results after I followed some of the instructions, step by step.

Which is why Dan is one of my absolute favourite copywriters.

His quote for this post does more than hit the nail on the head, it’s a Thor sized sledgehammer burying the nail deep into the table.

“all successful selling is by nature and necessity manipulative, and must apply pressure to get decision and action.”  – Dan Kennedy

It doesn’t mean that we as sales people, marketers or copywriters need to be slimy and pushy – but, we must do what we need to in order to get a sale.

Copywriters with this goal in mind know the keys to subtly craft sales copy to force an action.

They get in a readers head, speak directly to them and tip them over the edge just enough to get them to buy.

Need a sales copywriter?

With years of real life sales experience behind me, combined with my copywriting skills – I can help you craft the conversion focused sales copy you need for your next piece of marketing.

Without trying to knock other copywriters, (who can often write beautiful copy), some won’t touch the salesy stuff.

For them, copywriting is an art form, which can’t be dirtied by asking for a sale or talking about money or manipulation.

I’m not like that, I only want to work with businesses who are hungry and dedicated to smashing their sales goals.

Let me know if I can help, drop me an email: [email protected] or call: 07805276044

New, Wired Sussex Membership

A teeny, tiny blog post…

I’m pleased to say I’m now an official, paid up Wired Sussex Member.

Wired Sussex is a Brighton based membership organisation for companies and freelancers operating in the digital, media and technology sector in Sussex.

They’ve got a handy directory where businesses and freelancers like yours truly can boast about what we’re doing and shamelessly plug ourselves to our hearts desire.

Checkout my own profile by clicking the logo below…

Wired Sussex Member

I’ve also recently joined a niche, copywriters website, so I’ll probably do another quick post bulletin promoting that one too.

– Liam

john carlton marketing sauce

The Magic Sauce of All Marketing

Straight back to the good stuff, another quote from an ace copywriter and how we can apply it to all of our businesses…

This time, John Carlton.

John Carlton may well be one of the best copywriters you’ve never heard of, but you’ve almost definitely seen something of his if you’ve spent anytime online.

He even refers to himself as “the most ripped-off writer on the Web” for this very reason.

john carlton marketing sauce

Personally, in my quest to become the silver bullet businesses here in Sussex need to conquer their own marketing woes, I have bought every single book, course and private membership of his.

Why? Because it’s how we all learn, even the pros have coaches and, although from a distance, John is definitely one of mine.

Think Andy Murray, whether it was his Mum or Ivan Lendl (or whomever it may be now), he’s a tennis superstar – but still has a coach.

Anyway, back to John – he has worked with huge copywriting superstars such as Jay Abraham and Gary Halbert, so he’s definitely someone worth listening to.

Value nugget’s coming, I promise…

“Understanding how to find, persuade and win over customers is the magic sauce of all great marketing.” – John Calrton

This quote was taken from his book The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together which I recently read.

It sums up everything I am hoping to provide for my clients, and is exactly what you need to be striving for with your own business.

Way too many marketing ‘experts’ (sigh) focus religiously on perhaps one platform, or technique, or system – which, in their own ways may well be amazing, but…BUT, you need the whole package to really be successful and take your sales to the next level.

Marketing is such a general BS term really, John’s quote instead explains the process way better…

You need to be able to find prospects, e.g. where they hang out online.

You need to get your messages read, and then convert these prospects enough so they actually GIVE YOU MONEY.

Do all three of these things, and – in John’s words – you’ve uncovered the ‘magic sauce of all marketing’.


Need some help with your own marketing?

I’m a copywriter with a marketing and business background.

When I say a business background – I mean, I have done almost every job in the marketing and sales business. From making scary cold calls, to selling advertising space, to marketing management and everything in between.

In addition to working for clients, I’ve also done it myself. Growing a cryptocurrency business to over a million in turnover in just six months (from July 2017 to January 2018).

So, when you’re working with me, you’re working with someone who’s not just a copy junky – you’re unleashing years of real life business experience, which has actually made me money, not just a collection of blog posts or attendance figures at networking meetings…

Fancy becoming a client? Drop me a message and we can chat.

Actionable Advice: Sell To the Foxes

I just wrote about blog post about my brand spanking new email newsletter which you can find over here…

It’s covering techniques you can use to market the crap out of almost any business.

…it’s hugely value driven, which is what’s core (at least in my head) to my copywriting. Providing actual value to readers on behalf of my clients.

Well, I kinda need to ensure I’m doing the same here on my blog don’t I?

So, in that spirit…let’s serve up a huge dollop of value for you.

My Favourite Gary Halbert Quote

Gary Halbert Quote

‘I Didn’t Worry About Offending The “Dogs” Instead, I Concentrated On Selling The “Foxes”’

Gary Halbert, to many – is considered to be the father of direct response copywriting. His ‘Letters’ were the first things I read when I thought about going into copywriting, and his Baron Letters (which he wrote to his son Bond from prison!) can always be found (somewhere) on my desk.

He made a shed load of cash from his direct response copywriting, even while in prison, thanks to his to the point copy – which always did the job and got you as the reader ‘right where it hurts.

The quote above sums this up beautifully.

It’s something I’ve come across numerous times with marketing clients, owners way too scared to implement something I’m suggesting because either…their competition aren’t doing it, or worse – it might put ‘someone’ off them.

Which is rubbish, the whole point about good copywriting is precisely that – you’re not looking to sell to all the ‘somebodies’ – you’re trying to flog your stuff to one reader, your ideal customer.

If your product works, your copy – no matter how brash or out of the norm, will resonate with them if done properly.

You need to stop caring what everyone else thinks and solely focus on your one customer.

As Gary said in his own words…

“Stop worrying so much about offending people and start worrying more about selling to them”.

So…start bloomin’ well start selling more.

Need someone to help write copy that focuses on your sole reader? Make contact to see if I can help.

Yet Another Email Newsletter

It’s all you need right, to sign up to yet another email newsletter…

…Well, think twice before clicking back to Facebook.

My new email newsletter is based upon one core concept, free advice to help you market the crap out of your business to 10x your sales output.

By providing genuine, zero bullshit, actionable marketing advice that you can apply to your business, to normal businesses.

There’s so much generic marketing advice out there that makes you think ‘yeah, that’s great, but it won’t work for us because…’

And I get that, I’ve been there myself. So, the advice in this email newsletter will be straight off the back of real work that I’m doing with clients here in Hastings and across Sussex.

No airy-fairy rubbish, just solid marketing advice to help actual businesses here in Sussex.

So, click the link below to head to the sign-up page and look forward to receiving an email a week to help you marketing the crap out of your business and get ahead of your competition.

[button title=”Get me on the email list!” url=”https://liamatkins.co.uk/email-newsletter/” color=”default” size=”btn-lg” icon=”” icon_align=”left” rotate=” ” target=”_blank”/]

blog writer service

Don’t Know What to Write About?

It’s early Friday evening, I’m sitting on my laptop at the dining table, Go Jetters is blaring across the hall to entertain little man – and an empty WordPress post is in front of me…

…so, what do I write about?

blog writer service

What shall I blog about, because – I know, from personal experience, blogging regularly for a business really does work.

It produces results, and it’s free.

Blogging on a regular basis just takes time, and a kernel of an idea. It doesn’t have to be fantastic, you just need try and write something of value.

That way, you’re pleasing the actual people you want to read your stuff – your prospects who are clicking about your website looking for a reason to get drawn in, and – it ticks the old ‘Google;’ SEO box.

Google loves websites that get regularly updated, with fresh, helpful and timely content, which will often be found in…blog posts. Not only that, writing more blog posts is like adding an extra fishing line into the water, it simply increases the likelihood that you’ll get a bite….as there’s more content / hooks, available.

How blogging helped me get to page 1 of Google

With my previous cryptocurrency business, blogging and content creation in the form of mega long 1,000+ word (sky-scraper) articles helped propel a very new website, with no history or background, to page 1 of Google for many of my ‘money terms’.

Money terms being the ones that would actually make me money, the ones I wanted to be found on Google for.

These may not always be obvious, which is why keyword research and a bit of common sense, lateral thinking comes into play.

For example, I knew, no matter how many massive blog posts I wrote, or how much i spent on SEO, I would never rank for the term ‘Buy Bitcoin’.

But, I didn’t want to, or really need to rank for that.

If I did rank for the term ‘Buy Bitcoin’ all I would get would be a bunch of tyre kickers, they’d visit my website, poke about and then leave never return.

Leaving me with a huge bounce rate and nothing to show for it.

No, instead – I wanted to, and successfully ranked for terms my customers were actually looking for, such as ‘Ethereum broker in the UK’ ‘How to buy Ripple XRP’ ‘Buy crypto with pound sterling’ etc.

It’s this low hanging fruit in terms of keywords and ranking opportunities which many businesses forget about. Instead they’ll spend shed loads of money on fancy SEO experts, throwing money down the drain on monthly retainers – when instead, all they need is some proper keyword research and some quality content.

So…back to my point, what do you write about?

Well, I started this post by having no clue what to write about today…and low and behold, a relatively decent blog post emerged.

Blogging, like with anything in life requires work – even when it’s hard and you don’t know what to write about, but this hard work is always rewarded in the end.

Want someone to write your blog posts for you?

Blog Post Writer in East Sussex

If you’re too busy running your own show, but still want to reap the rewards that blogging often offers, get someone else to do the leg work for you.

I can help plan, write and publish your posts on a regular basis. With a simple monthly retainer, you’ll get the juicy keyword rich, well researched and finished copy your blog needs.

And, as with all my copy, it’s focussed purely on ensuring we can push up conversions. So that every single person who reads your post has their hand held until they click ‘buy now’.

Get in touch to learn more about my blog post writing service, and I can help get you started.

politics copywriting

Good Copy, as With Politics – Must Make You Act

politics copywritingWell, I’ve just gone and voted. We have local elections here in Hastings, East Sussex today, which will decide which Party runs the local council.

Well, it ought to, in reality though – it’s been a Labour controlled council since 2010 and won’t change hands this time around.

OK big head, how do you know?

Since 2014, I’ve been a local Conservative Councillor on Hastings Borough Council.

However, due to family, business and other commitments I’m not standing for election.

And, TBH, I’m pleased.

Politics – especially local level, as everyone thinks, is crap.

Which is why turnout is so low.

If voters genuinely thought it would make a difference, or things would be dramatically changing for them – they’d go and vote.

This happened during the Brexit referendum in 2016.

Huge turnouts across the country as each voter knew it would make a difference.

A decisive difference, and now, for better or for worse…we’re leaving the EU.

The key here is, voters felt motivated to act.

They were motivated to do something, to change – or preserve, the way they live their lives.

They could see how not doing so would impact them.

Voters had a reason to take action.

The same must be said for good copywriting.

Good copywriting musn’t be at a local politics level. Where it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things if you vote…or buy a product.

Your bins should still get taken away, and your potholes still won’t get filled.

…And that widget business may or may not stick around, but what difference does it make to you?

Copywriting can’t be at a ‘local politics’ level.

You shouldn’t be able to pick up a leaflet, skim through a magazine and think ‘meh’.

You shouldn’t be able to see tonnes of adverts and not have something, anything – catch your eye and make you think.

You need quality advertising and direct mail pieces to make you want to act.

To change or to make something better – for you!

Good, conversion focussed copywriting does that. Focussing on the reader and how the product impacts them. The benefits.

So, stop making your businesses advertising efforts at a local Councillor level.

It needs to be your next Governor Arnie…

Or…I’ll be back!

I really could be. Need a new copywriter? Let me know.

By White House Photographer Michael Arthur Worden Evans[1] (1944–2005) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Just Get On With It: Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt like you’re just not good enough?

That no matter how much research you put in, no matter how many books you read or courses you sign up to – you’re just not good enough?

Well, welcome to the world of the newbie copywriter.

Over the past six months I’ve done the lot, spent hundreds of quid on shiny new courses, technology and books to get me to where I want to be. To get me to feel like I can ‘do’ this copywriting thing.

When in fact, once I had conquered the basics – I just needed to get on with yano… writing.

It’s dumb, we all have this insecurity…can I call myself a copywriter? I mean, I’m writing copy, for actual businesses…to sell actual stuff – so…I guess so?

Meh, it doesn’t feel right just yet. So in my outreach to wannabe clients, I’ve just used the following intro about me:

I write ads that makes people want to buy stuff like yours. Plus, I share proven, powerful marketing methods that could easily double your business.

I’m pretty happy with it and it’s been getting a good number of responses, so it’s what I’m sticking to.

Ultimately, we’re not imposters – we’re the ones risking it all by putting ourselves out there, starting new businesses or ventures, for a better life for ourselves and our families.

It’s about confidence, which is only gained by getting on with it. 

So…back to the writing.