SEO: Keeping it Fresh for Google

Fresh haircuts, fresh bed sheets, fresh fruit. We LOVE it when things are fresh.

Well, the same goes for our good old friend Google; it loves fresh content.

Are you aware of the importance of fresh content when it comes to your website’s search engine rankings? The fresher the content, the better your SEO chances.

When it comes to your website, Google wants to see that you’re regularly updating it with new and relevant information. Showing that your website is active and that you’re providing valuable information to your audience. And the more valuable information you provide, the more likely it is that people will want to visit your website.

“But I don’t have the time or resources to constantly update my website with new content!”

…and that’s totally fine! (This blog will go MONTHS without updates while I’m busy on client projects).

You don’t need to constantly update your website with new blog posts or articles, but you should aim to add new content on a regular basis. This could be in the form of a new product or service page, updated FAQs, or even a simple news update.

Ultimately, when you publish new content, it gives Google more pages to index, increasing the chances of your website showing up in the search results. Like winning a raffle – the more ‘pages/tickets’, the more chance of winning/being found.

You’re also giving your audience a reason to return to your website. This helps to build brand loyalty and can ultimately increase your customer base.

Long-form content

Another great way to increase your website’s visibility is by creating long-form content. This type of content is usually over 1,000 words, and it goes into great detail on a particular topic. Long-form content is great for SEO because it allows you to target multiple keywords and phrases, and it also gives you a chance to establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

Summing it all up

Fresh content keeps your website active, relevant, and visible on the search engine results pages. It doesn’t have to be a time-consuming task, but it’s essential for your website’s success. So, ensure you’re regularly updating your website with new and relevant information, and you’ll be well on your way to being found by more customers looking for exactly what you do.

Can a copywriter help?

If you want to boost your SEO but don’t have the time to write your own content, work with an SEO copywriter like me. I can help you create high-quality, keyword-rich content. We can help you with blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and more. Don’t let a lack of time hold you back from reaping the benefits of SEO.

Drop me an email [email protected]

copywriting tricks

6 Quick Copywriting Tricks for Improving Conversions

copywriting tricks

Let’s be brutally honest with ourselves…

Nobody really wants to read our shiny new flyer, letter or web page, and they especially don’t want to feel sold to when they read them.

(It’s like enthusiastically showing off pics of your newborn baby. We think they’re amazing, but in reality, does anyone really care?)

But, your prospects do want to feel engaged. They want a better life, and they want a message that speaks to them & their personal problems,

The key to converting your prospects is stop writing about you, and start writing about them.

From emails, to web copy, to sales letters and everything in-between, below is a quick checklist you can keep and pull out whenever you need to write copy that converts.

Grab Their Attention:
Start with a big, shouty and eye-catching headline which gives the reader a reason to continue reading.

Poke Their Pain:
Show you understand by describing the pain they’re experiencing right now (without your solution). Go further, by poking your finger deep into that wound, describe how bad it could be if they still won’t buy.

Benefits & Outcomes:
People don’t buy a product, they buy what it allows them to do. Describe the tangible benefits and real outcomes they’ll receive when they do buy.

Prove It:
We’re all sceptical. Prove that your solution really does work. Use specific numbers, testimonials, & social proof.

Call To Action:
Actually ask for the sale. Tell them how to order, with very specific, easy steps on the whole process, and then actually tell them to do it now vs. later.

Scarcity & Deadlines:
Often used as a ‘P.S.’, use product scarcity and time limited deadlines to encourage readers to take action now vs. putting it off, for fear of missing out.

And there we have it. Six quick and easy tactics you can implement today, to improve your businesses marketing materials.

Rather have a copywriter write it for you? 

Hire a Copywriter instead

I thought you’d never ask!

Absolutely, if you need a hand with your copywriting, whether it’s for a launch, a re-write on existing content, or new copy needed all together – I can help.

Drop me an email [email protected] – once I hear from you, I’ll arrange a good time to chat about your project and when we can get started.

blog writer service

Don’t Know What to Write About?

It’s early Friday evening, I’m sitting on my laptop at the dining table, Go Jetters is blaring across the hall to entertain little man – and an empty WordPress post is in front of me…

…so, what do I write about?

blog writer service

What shall I blog about, because – I know, from personal experience, blogging regularly for a business really does work.

It produces results, and it’s free.

Blogging on a regular basis just takes time, and a kernel of an idea. It doesn’t have to be fantastic, you just need try and write something of value.

That way, you’re pleasing the actual people you want to read your stuff – your prospects who are clicking about your website looking for a reason to get drawn in, and – it ticks the old ‘Google;’ SEO box.

Google loves websites that get regularly updated, with fresh, helpful and timely content, which will often be found in…blog posts. Not only that, writing more blog posts is like adding an extra fishing line into the water, it simply increases the likelihood that you’ll get a bite….as there’s more content / hooks, available.

How blogging helped me get to page 1 of Google

With my previous cryptocurrency business, blogging and content creation in the form of mega long 1,000+ word (sky-scraper) articles helped propel a very new website, with no history or background, to page 1 of Google for many of my ‘money terms’.

Money terms being the ones that would actually make me money, the ones I wanted to be found on Google for.

These may not always be obvious, which is why keyword research and a bit of common sense, lateral thinking comes into play.

For example, I knew, no matter how many massive blog posts I wrote, or how much i spent on SEO, I would never rank for the term ‘Buy Bitcoin’.

But, I didn’t want to, or really need to rank for that.

If I did rank for the term ‘Buy Bitcoin’ all I would get would be a bunch of tyre kickers, they’d visit my website, poke about and then leave never return.

Leaving me with a huge bounce rate and nothing to show for it.

No, instead – I wanted to, and successfully ranked for terms my customers were actually looking for, such as ‘Ethereum broker in the UK’ ‘How to buy Ripple XRP’ ‘Buy crypto with pound sterling’ etc.

It’s this low hanging fruit in terms of keywords and ranking opportunities which many businesses forget about. Instead they’ll spend shed loads of money on fancy SEO experts, throwing money down the drain on monthly retainers – when instead, all they need is some proper keyword research and some quality content.

So…back to my point, what do you write about?

Well, I started this post by having no clue what to write about today…and low and behold, a relatively decent blog post emerged.

Blogging, like with anything in life requires work – even when it’s hard and you don’t know what to write about, but this hard work is always rewarded in the end.

Want someone to write your blog posts for you?

Blog Post Writer in East Sussex

If you’re too busy running your own show, but still want to reap the rewards that blogging often offers, get someone else to do the leg work for you.

I can help plan, write and publish your posts on a regular basis. With a simple monthly retainer, you’ll get the juicy keyword rich, well researched and finished copy your blog needs.

And, as with all my copy, it’s focussed purely on ensuring we can push up conversions. So that every single person who reads your post has their hand held until they click ‘buy now’.

Get in touch to learn more about my blog post writing service, and I can help get you started.