copywriting tricks

6 Quick Copywriting Tricks for Improving Conversions

copywriting tricks

Let’s be brutally honest with ourselves…

Nobody really wants to read our shiny new flyer, letter or web page, and they especially don’t want to feel sold to when they read them.

(It’s like enthusiastically showing off pics of your newborn baby. We think they’re amazing, but in reality, does anyone really care?)

But, your prospects do want to feel engaged. They want a better life, and they want a message that speaks to them & their personal problems,

The key to converting your prospects is stop writing about you, and start writing about them.

From emails, to web copy, to sales letters and everything in-between, below is a quick checklist you can keep and pull out whenever you need to write copy that converts.

Grab Their Attention:
Start with a big, shouty and eye-catching headline which gives the reader a reason to continue reading.

Poke Their Pain:
Show you understand by describing the pain they’re experiencing right now (without your solution). Go further, by poking your finger deep into that wound, describe how bad it could be if they still won’t buy.

Benefits & Outcomes:
People don’t buy a product, they buy what it allows them to do. Describe the tangible benefits and real outcomes they’ll receive when they do buy.

Prove It:
We’re all sceptical. Prove that your solution really does work. Use specific numbers, testimonials, & social proof.

Call To Action:
Actually ask for the sale. Tell them how to order, with very specific, easy steps on the whole process, and then actually tell them to do it now vs. later.

Scarcity & Deadlines:
Often used as a ‘P.S.’, use product scarcity and time limited deadlines to encourage readers to take action now vs. putting it off, for fear of missing out.

And there we have it. Six quick and easy tactics you can implement today, to improve your businesses marketing materials.

Rather have a copywriter write it for you? 

Hire a Copywriter instead

I thought you’d never ask!

Absolutely, if you need a hand with your copywriting, whether it’s for a launch, a re-write on existing content, or new copy needed all together – I can help.

Drop me an email [email protected] – once I hear from you, I’ll arrange a good time to chat about your project and when we can get started.

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