Writing Your First Cold Email – What do You Want?

Cold emails are the fastest way to reach your ideal decision-makers without a pre-existing relationship.

So we get it, this could be your first foray into the world of cold email marketing, and you want to say it all.

This might be your only chance to tell these decision-makers just how fantastic you are, so you’re bound to want to say it all. Why they should buy from you, why you’re different, why now…


Before you dive into the meat and potatoes behind your first message, you need to think long and hard about what you want from this email.

What do you want to achieve, the end goal?

From experience writing literally thousands of cold intro emails, take our advice.

Your emails should be short and have one goal in mind…or two, really.

  1. To arrange a really short call.
  2. Be referred to the right person.

Secondly, who is receiving this message?

You need to have a clearly defined customer profile, the more specific, the better. Allowing you to tailor your message copy so you can:

  • Address their specific pain points and problems; CEOs have different issues from hiring managers.
  • Ensure your tone and the language you write with ‘match’ your audience; Lawyers speak differently to Marketers.

Niching down like this, hitting them where it hurts, in their language, can drastically improve your lead rates.

If you’d like some help writing these cold emails, we can help.

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