10 Copywriting Questions for Your Next Landing Page

Landing pages are everywhere for a reason.

They’re one of the most effective tools businesses can use to drive conversions and nurture leads.

If your site visitors aren’t taking action as soon as they hit your page, if they’re not clicking or subscribing, it’s because they need more convincing, or your content isn’t meeting their expectations (e.g. the thing they clicked on in the first place) – or it could be a mix of both.

A well-designed landing page, both from an aesthetic and copy perspective, should grab your visitor by the throat and drag them kicking and screaming into your inbox.

Or, at least, it should do enough to give them a shove in the right direction by addressing their primary concerns and offering a call to action that won’t leave them wondering what comes next.

After all, visitors to your website won’t convert unless you give them a compelling reason to do so. The best way to do that is with a strategically-executed landing page that speaks directly to the visitor and addresses their biggest concerns right between the eyes.

As a landing page copywriter of over six years, I thought I’d share the top ten questions even I run my clients’ copy through before I hit send.

Copywriting questions for your landing pages

Take a look and see if you could apply them to your landing pages:

  1. How does this product or service differ from anything their audience has seen before?
  2. What’s *really* in it for their readers?
  3. How do they know this is legit, the real deal?
  4. What’s holding them back or causing them pain right now?
  5. Who or what is to blame for this?
  6. Why should they do anything about this problem now?
  7. Why should they trust my client vs the next guy?
  8. How does their offer work in practice, and how will it solve the issues?
  9. Do they know how to get started?
  10. And finally, what do they have to lose?

If you need help, drop us a message about landing page copywriting

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