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Stop Saying Sorry in Your Emails

Stop saying, "Sorry" all the time. 

This is coming from someone like me and I'm pretty introverted. I'd happily send emails all day long instead of picking up the phone or chatting to someone in real life. I could never walk into a supermarket and talk to a stranger.

But yet, when I send an email to someone or do a LinkedIn request, pick up a cold call - whatever. I never just launch into the same phrase that you hear so often, "I'm sorry for disturbing you".

A couple of years back, I was involved in local politics. You'd hear exactly the same thing. You'd have someone knocking on someone's door, going out of their way to knock on someone's door. And the first thing they said was, "I'm sorry for disturbing you".

Now there's several things wrong with this. You're not sorry because you're repeatedly knocking on someone else's door. You're repeatedly sending emails out or picking up the phone. So you're not sorry because if you're sorry, you don't do it again.

Believing in what you do

You might be sorry for disturbing them, but you're doing it for a reason. You're doing it because you genuinely believe that what you have will improve their life. 

So in local politics, these people genuinely believe that their local candidate whoever it was, would make their lives better, would improve things in the local area.

And it's for this very reason why, when I send stuff out, I'm not apologizing. I'm not putting myself on the back foot immediately, because I genuinely believe that the things that I can do for you will make you money, or will save you on your ad spend, or it will make things easier for you because it's one less thing to worry about.

If you know that your offer will do this, you don't need to apologize. You just need to justify it. And then you'll have me, or the next person down the road, or the CEO of your dream company, happy to listen to you.

You don't need to apologize. You just need to know what you do works and that you have a good enough angle.  It needs to be able to hook them in. 

Need help writing sales emails or email marketing pieces that unapologetically do the selling for you? Drop me an email: [email protected].

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