marketing consulting

Step Away from Your Marketing: Advice from a Sussex Copywriter

When was the last time you stepped away from your marketing?

When was the last time you tried to look at it from a different angle?

When was the last time you looked at your website without your business owner hat on and thought to yourself...

"What are my actual customers seeing when they read about me? What are my prospective customers seeing? What are those people who are just Googling me, who don't know me from Adam, who don't know why I'm fantastic, what do they think about me when they read my copy or when they look through my marketing or my website?"

Sometimes, it's tricky to see the wood from the trees and see ourselves as others see us exactly.

Helping this client see the wood from the trees

It's something that I've just had to do with an ongoing client of mine. We've been working on several products together, landing pages, pay-per-click stuff, and their website.

Their website's been an ongoing, evolving thing, but we're trying just to nail it, get it done, get it right. And while their website now is 100 times better than the original one they had before I came along, even I'm guilty of getting too engrossed in the nitty-gritty with them.

It took a Zoom call today to realise we were overcomplicating it. So we chose to step back. We decided to assess what we were actually saying, who we're trying to sell to, and why they would buy from us.

We did the exercise, it didn't take long, and it's like a firecracker for both of us. I've got work to do now. I've got to write their copy, but for them, they know exactly what they're doing now.

We know this is going to improve things.

So when was the last time you stepped away from your copy or stepped away from your marketing, with a new set of eyes, with a different hat on, and thought...

What DO other people think about me?

Because it's hard, and sometimes you need someone else's help to do that. If you need someone to help you with that, drop me a message.

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