Copywriting Tricks: Two Words to Rule Them All

The two most powerful words in the advertising world.

Ask any copywriter, marketer or business owner in the land what they believe the most powerful words in the ad world are and you’ll come back with a handful of very similar answers.

#1 FREE – I guarantee that will be up there
#2 YOU – literally writing the word YOU a lot
#3 NEW – goes without saying
#4 SALE – again, go figure
#5 NOW – act NOW etc

They all have their place, but, especially over this side of the pond, these words make your advertising ‘feel’ very ad-like.

And no one wants to admit to opening their wallets to yet another flashy ad.

“So what are these two Oh so Powerful words?” I hear you ask.

They’re dead simple.

And dead persuasive.

Because, unlike the flashy ad words above, they present LOGIC.

*Drum roll*


You must explain the REASON WHY your product is the best in the land.

And while you‘re at it, don‘t forget that your audience won‘t believe you unless you give the REASON WHY what you claim is true and why they should act today.

So here’s this copywriter’s trick to using reason-why copy in your next ad:

#1 Why YOU
#2 Why TRUE
#3 Why NOW

Which should be really easy…

You’re the best at what you do and have the results to prove it, they should believe you because you have tonnes of social proof, and they need to act now because your diary is half full for the next quarter already.

While you’re here…

#WHY ME: As a copywriter with a focus on lead generation, I have 5+ years of experience helping B2B firms fill their pipeline with fresh leads.

#WHY TRUE: I have tonnes of testimonials to attest to this.

But, I only work with a handful of new clients every month so if you’d like to book some work in, I suggest clicking here to schedule a quick call.

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