casual copywriting

Casual Copywriting: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

So, straight to it; Lots of progress has been made today, I’m really excited about the services I hope to be offering businesses over the next few weeks and it seems to be taking off already…

Today I scheduled my first meeting with a possible client to write cryptocurrency related copy.

(Just 4 – 5 months ago I was hiring copywriters to write cryptocurrency articles for my own business! A funny old world, but I’m looking forward to getting stuck in as it’s a topic I know well and, importantly – enjoy.)

This crypto client liked my casual writing style and dropped me a Facebook message about some article writing and an email marketing campaign.

Trying to write ‘how we speak’ in a more casual way, oddly is actually more difficult than it seems. We can jibber jabber all day long about a subject, but for many of us – when we’re sat before a blank Word document – we suddenly become the stuffy legal department of a Fortune 500…

‘Dear Sir…I’m writing to inform you about….Best Wishes…’? – WTF is that?

It’s weird when you think about it, especially when you consider the way we consume content most of the time. Video is one of the most consumed types of content on the web, we enjoy watching or listening to content because it has real people in it.

Using this sort of informal content is what works for many businesses, after all – people buy from people, they connect with the messages being given, they can empathise with the author and see themselves in the words on the page “this business is talking just like me…they must understand me and my problems”.

Why aren’t more businesses using casual, ‘how we speak’ copy writing styles???

Because it takes you out of your comfort zone. It’s not ‘normal’, it’s not what other businesses do, and it’s certainly not what your competition is doing. Which, is exactly why you should be doing it.

Standing out and injecting some much needed personality into your website and marketing material.

Hopefully I can help change that in the coming weeks and months for you.

So then, what’s next on the agenda?

Finishing up this website is a start. I’ve created hundreds of WordPress based websites for clients in the past, so I know I can get it done pretty quickly when the time comes, but I do need to get the actual content written for it.

Heck – if I can’t write converting copy on my own website…who’d end up hiring me right?

Then, back to drawing up my list of dream target clients. I know a couple of local businesses here in Hastings that I feel, from some of their own online stuff could benefit from some help, so I’ll contact them this week.

Speak soon – Easter Sunday tomorrow…Hot cross buns and roast lamb time…yum!

Liam 🙂